CILIP's Youth Libraries Group

  • Address: 7 Ridgmount Street


The Youth Libraries Group is the organisation of choice for librarians, information professionals and all those working with or interested in children's and young people's books, reading development, the promotion of libraries and reading for pleasure. Our members come from a wide range of workplaces - public libraries, schools, school library services, colleges, universities and early years settings. We also welcome and have many student, non-working and international members.

YLG promotes excellence in children and young people's literature by organising, judging and publicising the most prestigious children's book award in the UK - the Yoto Carnegie MedalsFind out more about becoming a judge for the Yoto Carnegie Medals for writing and illustration.

With twelve groups across the United Kingdom we form one of the largest and liveliest special interest groups in CILIP and hold regular regional training events and an annual conference. Our publications include the Youth Library Review magazine and a monthly YLG eNews bulletin.